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Welcome to Steameup, your service marketplace that connects BigShots (clients), Agencies (companies), and Service Providers (providers). Don't miss the opportunity to join our platform. Whether you are a Service Provider or Agency looking for work opportunities, or a BigShot or Agency looking to hire, Steameup has got you covered. Download the Steameup app now and start exploring today! Your next opportunity awaits at your fingertips.

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Proposal screen with message from service provider


Need Babysitting, Pet Sitting, Laundry, Clothes Ironing, Dry-cleaning, Plumbing, Landscaping, Personal Cook, Hair Dresser, Barber, Auto Service, Caregiver, etc…?

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Service Provider

Are you looking to provide your services and give yourself the freedom to set your own hours and work how and when you want? Would you like to increase your client base?

Provide Your Services

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Create your account now and don’t miss the opportunity to apply for jobs in your area and get new clients.  We will notify you as soon as jobs are available.


Our mobile app is compatible with both Android and iPhone devices.

Have a sneak peek of our App

With a clean and intuitive design, our app will make it a breeze to connect BigShots with service providers.

Don't miss the opportunity

Create a Provider account if you are looking for job opportunities. Create BigShot account if you are looking to hire service providers. Create Agency account if you are a company looking to either hire or get new clients.